Saturday, October 20, 2007

A weekend of firsts!

These pictures are from the Young Adult's Women's Retreat up at my grandparents' cabin in Payson. It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend full of fellowship and learning. Jaime did a wonderful job teaching us and leading us in the right direction of growth. Brayden got a little too spoiled with all the women, but he sure did have a good time! This is his very first piano lesson! This weekend was the first time he'd been away from his daddy, and Adam and I's first time away from each other since our wedding. It was his first time dressing as a cowboy, his first time sitting on a cat, his first time wearing tennis shoes and a jacket, and Brayden's first time sitting in a high chair. He wasn't too sure about the tennis shoes, but all the others he loved. It was a really fun weekend, but Daddy was definitely waiting for us outside as we got home. He sure missed his boy, and his wife a little bit (I think). We sure missed him tons as well. It sounded like Brayden kept saying "DADA" at the cabin. He sure was talking a lot! The guys had a good time camping while we were at the cabin as well.

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